Friday, June 20, 2014

Keystone Custom Homes Steals the Show

This year’s Building Industry Association of Lancaster County’s Parade of Homes featured 37 homes from the area’s best home builders. At the Lancaster Parade of Homes Gala, Keystone Custom Homes and their five entries stole the show, winning 28 awards. Of those 28, two were in the Best in Show category – the most prestigious award of the Parade. The homes will continue to be showcased through Sunday June 22, from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. pm weekdays and noon to 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.
KeystoneCustom Homes’ five entries each feature a unique style and boast top of the line amenities sure to please anyone looking for a new home. If you aren’t on the market for a home, come get design inspiration from these fully decorated models.

Keystone’s entries and their awards are listed below:
 106 Countryside Lane; Angelsea
  • Awards: Best Landscaping, honorable mentions in Interior Design, Kitchen, Bath, Decorated and Best of Show award categories
  • $299,990

2205 Aberley Lane; Devon Creek
  • Awards: Honorable mentions in Exterior and Landscaping categories
  • $299,990

401 Prescot Street; Worthington
  • Awards: Best of Show, Best Exterior, Best Kitchen, Best Decorated, Best Landscaping, honorable mentions in Interior Design and bath categories
  • $399,990

616 Warminster Lane; Stonehenge Reserve
  • Awards: Best Landscaping, honorable mentions in Exterior, Interior Design, Kitchen, Bath, Decorated and Best of Show categories
  • $449,990
911 Danesfield Lane; Devon Creek
  • Awards: Best of Show, Best Exterior, Best Interior Design, Best Kitchen, Best Decorated, Best Landscaping
  • $199,990
There are only a few days left to take advantage of this wonderful, free event, so head out this weekend before it’s too late! For more information about the Building Industry Association of Lancaster County’s Parade of Homes, visit

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