Saturday, December 12, 2009

Is Social Media a Good Use of Time

There has been lots of debate and discussion lately as to whether social media marketing is a total waste of time. Like any element of a good marketing program you need a plan for your social media efforts. Once you have identified and set goals, make sure to measure your progress on a monthly basis.

Spending countless hours on social networks posting and Tweeting without a plan can be a huge time suck. To make the most of your time, make sure to create a social media marketing plan and stick to it. Figure out what target audience you want to engage and them determine where to engage them.

Can social media sell real estate? More importantly, can social media sell houses? A really hot post on the topic can be found on Atlanta Real Estate Forum. Titled Social Media Doesn't Sell Houses the post has attracted comments from marketers in the Atlanta Real Estate market as well as around the country.

1 comment:

Mike Lyon said...

Great point Carol. Like any communication tool, I think a lot of these networks can be "abused". The mistake would be not to allow at all because it might be deemed a productivity killer. I always say - those who want to waste time and not be productive will do it no matter what. Phone, email, text - they will find a way. But productive people see the opportunity to connect on these sites. thanks again for all of the great info.

Mike Lyon