Internet Marketing
What is Internet Marketing?
Many things come to mind when someone uses the term Internet marketing, especially when you are applying it to Real Estate and new home construction. It could refer to placing a new home community on an Internet listing site like or Atlanta New Homes Directory, bidding on keyword clicks at sites like google and yahoo or it could be altering the title and meta tags to make the website come up in search engines. Being found on the Internet is the most important thing for a website. You spend money to have the website designed and hosted so that it can provide the story, the information about the new homes you have to offer, but if no one ever sees it or they can't find it, you have probably wasted your money on building a website in the first place.
Internet Marketing begins with proper website design and functionality. Using the search engines, the listing sites, tracking statistics, email marketing programs, and lead management software are all parts of effective Internet Marketing strategies.